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“Frida” is back with the Het Nationale Ballet

"A captivating explosion of colors" – that is how Theaterkrant described Annabelle Lopez Ochoa’s world premiere in 2020. In a series of breathtaking scenes imbued with symbolism, the choreographer tells the life story of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. Ochoa brings the artist’s paintings and the characters depicted in them to life on stage, illustrating pivotal moments in Frida’s life.

The music for the play was written by British composer Peter Salem, who was also inspired by Frida’s paintings, which he described as "layered and poetic, yet possessing a certain simple beauty." Salem brought a Mexican influence to the ballet’s music: the harp plays a central role in his composition, as do the marimba, guitar and percussion instruments. He also added to the music the songs of Frida’s good friend, the famous singer Chavela Vargas.

The skill of costume and set designer Dieuweke van Reij brings amazing details from Frida’s world to the performance: skeletons, Mexican skirts, red threads, animals and natural elements. The audience will plunge into the whirlwind of her work, enveloped in vibrant colours and sounds.

The ballet will run in Amsterdam from February 8 till February 25.

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